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Committees & Resource People

The work of Yearly Meeting (the umbrella organisation for Quakers in Aotearoa) is supported by individuals and Committees of volunteers who are proposed by a Nominations Committee and appointed by Yearly Meeting.

They support and organise our activities:

  • Educational and service committees and resource people provide information and support to Meetings’ faith and practice
  • Outreach: sharing our stories with the wider community and/or supporting Meetings in reaching out to their communities
  • Fostering community within and between Meetings
  • Fostering connections with Quakers worldwide
  • Funding committees provide financial help to Friends, and to the work of Friends
  • Taking care of the assets of Yearly Meeting 

To see the full range of committees and a description of what they do, please visit the Engage/Whakauru

Each committee has a descriptive public page. Please note: some committee pages, such as minutes, may not be publically accessible.